What are Business Offerings and Item Groups | Spidercost

What are Business Offerings and Item Groups?

To list your company as a Seller on Spidercost, all you need to do is add your Business Offering/s.  
The example below demonstrates the relationship between Business Offerings, Item Groups (Categories) and Items.  

Business Offerings 

As you can see, Business Offerings are two  degrees higher than listing at an item level, so getting started is super quick and simple!

Some examples of Business Offerings: 
  1. Aluminium Profiles
  2. Automation & Control
  3. Batteries
  4. Brass Profiles
  5. Bronze Profiles
  6. Cleaning Products
  7. Computing
  8. Construction Materials
  9. Copper Profiles
  10. Electrical Cable
  11. Electrical Cable Accessories
  12. Electronic Components
  13. Engineering Consumables
  14. Engineering Cutting Tools
  15. Engineering Fasteners
  16. Engineering Machinery
  17. General Electrical
  18. Hydraulics
  19. Instrument Cable
  20. Instrument Cable Accessories
Business Offerings are a broad category of goods or services that a company sells.

Item Groups (Categories)

Item groups, one tier below Business Offerings, are an important part of Spidercost. 

Some information regarding Item Groups:
When a buyer searches for a product or service, the Item Group names appear in the search results.
They form the foundation of an Item Template, in which different fields are created and populated with values.  
They can also be used as a filter to further narrow down what your Company offers.

An Item Groups is a name given to a group of similar products or services. The name doesn't contain item specific information.


An Item is a product or service containing specific information necessary to order or quote on, whereas an Item Group only contains general information.  The Item name could be seen as a description, unique for each item, similar to an SKU number.    
  An  Item  is a name given to a unique product or service. It contains specific information.

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